Medway Parks and Recreation
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Digital Animation and Storytelling

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With movies like Frozen, Inside Out, and Zootopia, animations have never been more popular. This Empow Studios class takes one form of animation, Stop-Motion Animation, and teaches kids how to create their own animated mini-movies through storyboarding, filming, and post-production. Materials like clay and paper are used to create characters, backgrounds, and props. Children work in pairs and depict their stories to show setting, rising action, conflict, and resolution. Once characters and backgrounds are made, students use computers, webcams, and animation software to bring their stories to life! Movies are available to take home to share with family and friends.

About Empow Studios:
Empow’s learning philosophy based on creative play borrows from John Dewey’s instrumentalism, Piaget’s constructivism, and Papert’s constructionism in asserting that passions, perceptions, and experience play a crucial role in how a person builds and maintains his or her understanding of the world. Even in the supposedly coldly rational world of STEM, love and play drive learning. They are what makes our lives meaningful, worthwhile, and fun. That’s where we start.

Today, much of that creative play (and future work) takes place in digital, virtual, and robotic environments. Empow Studios supports not only active participation and developing literacy in that playground, but also self-efficacy and creativity. Empowering kids means giving them the tools not only to navigate their future landscapes, but be active and intentional creators of it.

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